Start Your Day with Positive Attitude!

Morning cows

Morning peeps! It's 6.20am in the morning and feeling very excited today! What would I be excited for? Well, just to be able to continue your life and being grateful for having this "present" day. And what else? It's time for me to start a series of blog posts to help you (and myself) think positively, and have better attitude. Well I should  cover the ground first eh?

There is no use going to apply sophisticated psychological philosophical theory to improve your life. The key of any successful self-improvement is to improve your basic self. Starting with small simple things that we often overlook. We cannot move a mountain at once right? We have to start somewhere, a load at a time
So what can we do for a start? Here are some of the examples

Wake up early in the morning. And pray/warm-up/exercise. Yep this helps a lot, and I experienced it myself. I think I changed a lot since I managed to wake up around 5.30-6am-ish. I have not missed my Subuh anymore and my brain instantly wake up after the prayer. It must be something to do with blood circulation in the brain. I feel happier, and never had more (quality) time to myself than ever before! For the non-muslims you can always do some yoga or pilates or any simple workouts. Dancing to the morning tunes doesn't hurt either!

Hug/Kiss at least one family member. The more the merrier. A group hug is also cool. This way you can share your happiness to your loved ones as well.

Minimise the words "No", "Don't" and "Can't/Couldn't" in your conversations. And all other words that convey negative feelings. Change with more positive alternatives and proper suggestions like "you could do this" or "you can try doing it differently". Those negtaive word "NO" is always giving mental block to the listeners/recipients. Using positive sentences on the other hand could help solving problems and much more fun to remember!

Make a mental list of your today activities. This way it helps to prioritise your work. Will elaborate this in the future beacuse me myself have not yet do this effectively. But do try and tell me if it works!

Give way to others. This always works for me. I drive my nephew and niece to their school/kinder five days a week. That is approximately about 40 min. to 1+ hour return journey. Multiply it by 2 (each for sending and picking up after school) and you get nearly 2 hours stuck spent in car alone..not including work and other activities. People tend to rush to "save time". But usually ended up frustrated with all of the jams, the inconsiderate drivers etc etc...So what do you do? Don't follow the selfish road user and be grumpy, be a selfless driver and give way to others! It help smoothens out the traffic, it put smiles on the other drivers faces AND it holds the inconsiderate drivers to behave like a jerk (failed) F1 drivers (hurm hurm...). This applies to holding doors/elevator doors to others as well. and don't forget to

...And smile/wave to them. Don't forget to do this even if it's impossible for the others to notice you. Because the action doesn't only affect the others but it affect you as well. And when they do notice, the positive "aura" will flow to them as well, and that is a good could make their day much much better! (especially if you are hahaha!).

I think that is enough eyh? Try these tips first and I'll come up with more! Hopefully we can be a better person today and tomorow and the next day and the next day and the....

Breaking The Wall

Blogging is hard! I meant for mumbling person like me who have acute stutters on brain levels; it's quite hard to finish even a good readable paragraph.. =( anyhow I want to share you this!

The Last Lecture - Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (click and it will pop out, AJAX baby!)

What is it? A very good general motivational lecture by Randy Pausch. I really seldom into this kind of talk but this one strikes directly to my heart. There's also a book, another good alternative esp. for somebody who slow at picking up the lecture (like me, no wonder I struggled in my lecture, during my uni age hahah!)


Safri's Wish List...or not

So what's next? A wish list? why would anybody read my list? Why bother?

Because this is my blog hehehehe

So we start by...

(c) LetGoDigital. This is a fast, telephoto zoom lens. Weight? 16Kg. Price? whopping 25,000USD!

Upgrading and adding my photographic equipments
Although a good photographer should be able to use any kind of picture and still create beautiful photographs, better equipments widens the opportunity for more critical jobs

Backpacking europe, China, America (north to south), central would be very very fun ey? maybe Trans Siberian Express?

Opening up a (proper) studio
A proper place with large space and proper seamless white background. A green chroma would not hurt either. Beauty dish, giant octas, striplights, and all those powerful thousand-watt-sec strobes with wireless control via computerised system. Camera system that could be connected to wired LAN or wifi so that me and client can view photos on TWO 30" pro LCD panel...hooked on an 8-cores top-specced Macs...well Safri you can keep dreaming!

Take a look at this video by Yuri Arcus

Doing epic personal photographic projects
Epic I mean the scale like James Natchwey devoted his life to current issues and now pursuing XDRTB. Or Joey Lawrence with documentation project covering African ethnics, with medium formats (medium format is a camera system that well, takes beautiful high-def photos. It's just that I better buy a Honda Civic than buying those system).
Oh yeah, Joey here is the guy who shot materials for Twilight, and he's like 19 y.o and already have offices set up at NY, London and another city i forgot where...

Driving a small sporty car
Think Alfa Romeo MiTo, or Fiat 500, or even a Mazda 2. But sorry no Brabus FourTwo

Renovating the family house
I have a different idea of house renovation compare to, say, my parents. But all good ideas, making space and "modernizing" rooms like those futuristic homes. Since my other siblings bought their own house already, I might become the keeper of the house (since I am the last one, and my parents insist of maintaining the place, well after paying compensation to my siblings). The only problem is I am still a struggling artist and covering those financial commitments is well, a very far reach *sigh*

Start carpentry as hobby
This is serious! How cool it is if you can build your own furniture! I've always dream of white-painted furniture in white walled room and all that, kinda look classy and clean =D

Meet someone, settle down and get married...

    The name is Safri

    Young photographer, failed scientist, struggling entrepeneur [and (visual) artist], self-appointed love counsellor (who think himself as a hopeless romantic). A (sometime rebelious) son, a (trying to be good) friend, and generally (trying to be a) positive person. Maybe swearing a few times (when i'm angry or mad).

    If you know me personally, you know i do mumble a lot. A lot lot lot. No matter what language im using, Malay, english, sarawak, french, arabic, swahili...(I can only understand the first THREE (and a tiny bit of Arabs) only hehehehe, for the others, there's Google Translate!). I even mumble during typing! type and delete, type and delete, type and delete...arrrrrgghhhhh!

    Which come to this blog. I really hope that i can cure my mumbleness with this writing stuff and pushing it here. Will i improve? we'll see. Maybe i will get to know some cool people too! (and hot babes, but then again i don't think they even want to see my shadow =D )

    Wait for the next post!!!!